Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Why You Should Consider a Guitar Teacher for Your Child.

Why You Should Consider a Guitar Teacher for Your Child. Guitar Lessons Near Me? There are So Many Reasons to Them for Your Child. ChaptersGuitar Classes with Professional TeachersThe Intellectual Benefits of Playing GuitarPersonal Benefits of Guitar ClassesThe Emotional Benefits of Playing GuitarThe Physical Benefits of Playing Guitar for ChildrenThe Cultural Benefits of Learning GuitarTo Recap: Why Your Child Needs a Guitar Teacher.Music has always been considered beneficial for children, and taking guitar lessons will only re-enforce those benefits.Even when a baby is just a few weeks or months old, they can already recognise their parents’ favorite songs by the ones they hear most frequently. And music helps babies relax and also engages them physically and mentally.As a child begins to get older, music will remain important to them, and this comes in handy once they begin learning different styles of music and cultures - particularly if they then consider learning how to play guitar and taking beginner guitar lessons. All that music they have previously heard will help their general musicianship and, if i t's becoming a guitar player that they become interested in, they will be hungry to learn everything from jazz guitar to classical guitar, blues guitar to rock guitar.Once a child is old enough to learn guitar, it's well worth the investment to buy them their first guitar and sign them up for some guitar lessons for beginners. This is the theme of this article - because the best guitar players are those who grew up with a good guitar instructor.And there are so many benefits to taking a guitar lesson - either in a guitar course at a guitar school or in private guitar lessons. Indeed, your child's music teacher may be one of the most important people to them throughout their childhood and beyond.By learning guitar and taking beginner classes, the child is not only socialising, but is sharing their interests and enriching their world. And, obviously, they are learning a skill which brings so much joy: learning to play the guitar!A child can learn very quickly and deeply from a young a ge.Once they’re older, children can easily join a band and begin to play on a stage, or maybe even perform solos in public.By taking guitar classes, your child will have learned the techniques and basics necessary to even begin teaching others and sharing their passion for guitar with a new generation of music students. PeterGuitar Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EdgarGuitar Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PaulGuitar Teacher 5.00 (12) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToddGuitar Teacher 4.75 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamueleGuitar Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KurtGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RyanGuitar Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsGuitar Classes with Professional TeachersYou can sign your child up for guitar classes in a local music store, conservatory, a rec center, or for private lessons at home. You can even have guitar lessons online these days.Classes at an Independent StudioAt music schools, classes are often highly regimented. Teachers follow a specific methodology and curriculum for all the children, that introduces them to music theory and basic chords before teaching them how to read guitar tabs and work on chord progressions. Regimented yes, but the level of knowledge of those who teach guitar in these contexts is usually very high.Students learn to practice guitar in individual and group lessons, which allows them to meet other children and learn from one another, and teaches them that music is a passion that is meant to be shared.Whatever level your child is at, classes at a music school will allow them to join a group of fellow students and learn more about the worlds of guitar and music.Guitar Classes at HomeBy engaging a teacher to come to the house, your child will benefit fro m the best learning environment possible  - they will be at home in an environment that they know and where they are comfortable.The teacher can walk them through the parts of the guitar like the strings, fretboard, and neck, and teach them how to tune it and take care of their new guitar. Then they can move on to other skills, like pentatonic and barred chords, licks and riffs.Security and comfort will help them improve - your child won’t have to go anywhere to take guitar lessons, and you can arrange the classes to better fit their schedule.By taking classes comfortably at home, your child will be able to build a stronger relationship with their teacher.The atmosphere will be more relaxed to practice playing guitar.Firstly, learning guitar, simply, is just great fun!From their point of view, the guitar teacher will be able to adapt lessons to your child’s level, needs, and goals. Guitar instruction  can be tailor-made and adapted.The Intellectual Benefits of Playing GuitarTaki ng guitar lessons can help your child succeed in many areas, especially mentally.In addition to the music itself, there’s the personal enrichment that your child will develop and have for the rest of their lives.Music and Self-EsteemTaking guitar classes requires discipline, and developing this skill will help children succeed at school.Numerous studies have shown that taking music lessons, and more specifically, learning an instrument like guitar, has a strong link to success at school for kids. Learning about C chords and C major, say, will also help your child gain confidence and improve their self esteem, increase their ability to concentrate, and learn to develop a critical appreciation for the arts.Music and Self-ExpressionIf your child decides to take guitar lessons, they will develop their language skills, enrich their vocabulary with words like arpeggio, riff, and progression, increase their attention span and improve their sense of rhythm.All these skills will also impro ve your child’s memory. They will learn to structure their thoughts, begin to associate joy with the effort they put in practicing the guitar, and  naturally develop their memory.Classes with a music professional, like a guitar teacher at a music school or conservatory, will also help your child learn to express their emotions.Music and guitar will become the medium through which your child channels  emotions (sadness, anger, joy, etc), and thanks to this, they will be better able to master their emotions and express themselves to others.Other benefits from taking guitar lessons with a teacher include the fact that music and guitar will improve their hearing and develop their memory for sounds and rhythms. They will refine their hearing to differentiate between a A chord and a G chord, and will know what C major or the E string should sound like.The cognitive skills of the child will also be reinforced - the left side of the brain, the side that is linked to verbal memory, is more developed in musicians and children who play an instrument.Guitar is also a great opportunity for your child to develop their creativity and free their imagination to express themselves in different ways. Once they graduate to jamming and writing their own music, their full artistic sensibilities will be unleashed.Personal Benefits of Guitar ClassesLearning music and guitar will help develop the personality of your child.They will learn to find a balance between their intellect (necessary to learn an instrument like the guitar and deploy perseverance and patience), and their emotions (sensitivity, feelings).Defeat Stage Fright by Playing GuitarIf your child is taking guitar classes, they will eventually play not only for their teacher, but also for people they don’t know and other students and their parents.This situation will shake them in a good way - your child will have to master their emotions to perform and deal with nerves, stage fright, and their shyness and fear of stran gers.Strengthen their Self-Confidence on the GuitarThis will increase their self confidence and they will be more comfortable communicating and expressing themselves.Passing on KnowledgeWhatever their level, once your child has mastered the basics of music theory and playing the guitar, they will be able to tutor others, and pass on their passion for playing to others.They will also be able to play in a band, play on a stage by themselves, jam with their friends, and write their own music - the possibilities are endless once they’ve gotten to the next level and begun perfecting their guitar playing.The more their passion for guitar is encouraged during lessons, the more your child will gain artistic as well as technical expertise. They’ll need both of these skills in order to pass on everything they’ve learned about guitar once they’re older. PeterGuitar Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EdgarGuitar Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PaulGuitar Teacher 5.00 (12) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToddGuitar Teacher 4.75 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamueleGuitar Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KurtGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RyanGuitar Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Emotional Benefits of Playing GuitarChildren, and especially boys, can often have trouble expressing what they feel.Communication isn’t always easy when your child closes up or shuts themselves up in their bedroom.Music and guitar can help provide an emotional outlet for your child, and gives them a way to say what they’re feeling inside.Finding your child a guitar teacher will bring emotional, physical, and cultural benefits.By playing any style of music - blues, rock, hard rock, funk, classical - your child will also be able to explore that facet of their personality.If the music is too loud for your neighbours, you can look at ways to limit the noise from the guitar.The Physical Benefits of Playing Guitar for ChildrenIt may not seem immediately obvious, but playing guitar is somewhat of a sport on its own, and requires children to learn more about their body in order to develop more control.By becoming more conscious of how their bodies work, regulating and work on their breathing, and developing better posture, your child will also gain muscle, especially in their hands, arms and shoulders.Flexibility and StrengthYou need to have both flexibility and strength to play the steel or nylon guitar strings properly and make the sounds you want.Your child’s guitar teacher will make sure that they hold themselves correctly and place their hands and arms properly to play without causing any aches.Health BenefitsLearning guitar and taking lessons will also benefit your child’s health, especially by helping the m learn how to manage their stress and anxiety.Your child’s body will release ‘happy’ hormones (serotonin and dopamine) when they’re in their own world and they can express themselves freely.The Cultural Benefits of Learning GuitarBy taking regular guitar lessons, your child will learn about music, as well as be exposed to culture and the arts more generally.Their teacher will introduce them to the world of music, and expose them to new styles like rock, pop, funk, country, and reggae.Playing Guitar Helps Introduce Children to Different Cultures and the World.Under the aegis of their teacher, your child will discover new cultures and music styles, learn about music history, and gain an appreciation for different styles and trends throughout the ages.In conclusion,  taking guitar classes will give your child  a new set of tools which will help them, not just in the music world, but also throughout their life at school and as an adult.Guitar lessons help teach patience, discip line, and self reflection, and will help your child become a well adjusted adult.To Recap: Why Your Child Needs a Guitar Teacher.Intellectual BenefitsYour child will perform better at school if they learn an instrument. Knowing an instrument also helps them to develop their language skills.Personal BenefitsBy playing an instrument, your child can improve their confidence, combat fear, and pass on knowledge to others.Emotional BenefitsMusic is expressive - and by learning an instrument they can find a new way to express themselves.Cultural BenefitsYour child will learn a lot with a guitar teacher - about the history of music to different genres and cultures today.

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